Summer Institute

A Community of Faith and Learning
July 4-15, 2022

Come learn and pray in a vibrant community of faith at St. Mark's College on the beautiful University of British Columbia campus. This year's Summer Institute includes both graduate and continuing education courses, liturgies, a special workshop and BBQ, and other opportunities for learning and discussion.

The Summer Institute offers all who are interested - including those who work in education, parish ministry, healthcare, and other professions - the opportunity to engage deeply in reflection and discussion.

Public Workshop

  • Perspectives on Truth, Reconciliation, and the Catholic Church (Friday, July 8)

    Perspectives on Truth, Reconciliation, and the Catholic Church
     Deacon Rennie Nahanee
    Friday, July 8, 2022
    Free and open to all - Register on Eventbrite

    Come learn from and be inspired by Deacon Rennie Nahanee as he shares with us his rich experience in fostering reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. A Squamish Nation Elder and Catholic Deacon, Deacon Rennie served as Coordinator of First Nations Ministry for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Recently, Deacon Rennie has been working to integrate Squamish language and culture into the liturgy and services at the St. Paul’s Indian Church on the Squamish Mission Reserve in North Vancouver, an initiative which has captured local and national attention. 

    launchRegister - Free to all

Courses for Graduate Credit or Continuing Education (Auditing)

Classes take place from July 4 - 15, with work due until late August.
20% course discount applies to seniors 65 years and over upon verification by the College Admissions Department.

  • THEO 585: Local Church, Global Catholicism (July 4-15)

    THEO 585: Local Church, Global Catholicism
    Hansol Goo
    Monday-Friday, July 4-15, 2022 (2 weeks)
    8:30 am–12:00pm
    $1,110 for graduate credit tuition (plus additional student fees) | $555 for continuing education (audit)

    What does it mean to be a Catholic in culturally diverse Vancouver? The Catholic Church professes that the universality of faith is expressed in the particularity of the local church. By examining this claim through historical, theological and pastoral lenses, students will gain an understanding of the rich diversity in global Catholicism.

    Hansol Goo is a PhD candidate in Theology at University of Notre Dame. Her research and teaching interests include contemporary liturgical and sacramental theology, spirituality, ritual studies, material culture, and theology of immigration. Hansol holds a Licentiate degree in History and Cultural Heritage of the Church from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Her most recent publication “Benedict XVI and Sacred Art: Suffering and Conversion through Seeing the Truth” is published in Italian in Papi e l’Arte: Tra Religione, Estetica, e Spiritualità (G&B Press, 2022).

    To register for graduate courses for credit, you must first be a student of St. Mark's College. Learn about our Admissions Requirements and How to Apply. Contact [email protected] for more information.

  • SCRI 505: Introduction to Scripture (July 4-15)

    SCRI 505: Introduction to Scripture
    Fr. Nick Meisl
    Monday-Friday, July 4-15, 2022 (2 weeks)
    1:30pm–5:00 pm
    $1,110 for graduate credit tuition (plus additional student fees) | $555 for continuing education (audit)

    This course provides students with a solid foundation in the study of the Bible that will support their ministry and future studies. SCRI 505 covers both the Old and New Testaments in their own contexts, thematic parallels between them, and gives attention to how the Catholic intellectual tradition engages these textual traditions.

    Fr. Nick Meisl is an Assistant Professor at Corpus Christi and St. Mark’s Colleges where he teaches the Bible. In addition, he serves in parish and high school ministry. He completed his License from the Pontifical Biblical Institute and is currently a PhD candidate at Durham University.

    To register for graduate courses for credit, you must first be a student of St. Mark's College. Learn about our Admissions Requirements and How to Apply. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Continuing Education Courses

Registration has closed for the following Continuing Education courses. If you are interested in these topics and/or future Continuing Education offerings at St. Mark's College, please contact [email protected].
  • Catholic Music through the CenturiesDr. Carl Bear
  • Evangelization: Theory and Practice - Fr. Davide Lanzani
  • Let the Children Come to Me: Children and Childhood in Early ChristianityDr. John Martens


See our Frequently Asked Questions below for more information about the Summer Institute.
For other questions, contact Dr. Lynda Robitaille ([email protected]).

Spotlight on student experience

"Deciding to take the Catholic Core Courses at St. Mark’s College, particularly during Covid-19, has been one of the smartest decisions of my life. At first, I felt some trepidation as I last undertook an academic course 9 years ago; however, the entire experience has been so positive and enlightening, I am delighted I did and would definitely encourage others to undertake them as well.

The learning environment is very collegial and supportive; in our classes, our contributions were always valued, not only by the professors, but also by our classmates. It is a wonderful way of learning from each other and forming new relationships. My teaching ministry will definitely be informed by my study at SMC: I am actually looking forward to sharing what I have learned with my students and colleagues. My faith life and appreciation of the liturgy has benefitted, too, from these studies on Scripture and Theology and the readings we have done in class; my choice of bedtime reading material now isn’t novels but the Bible and Apostolic Exhortations! Every Christian Education teacher should take the Catholic Core at St. Mark's College - it’s a great place to learn and grow in your faith!"

- Ann Marie McGrath, Educator
Summer Institute 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of attending the Summer Institute in person?

Attending the Summer Institute at our St. Mark’s College campus at UBC allows you to be part of our vibrant community of faith and learning. Whether you have been taking virtual courses over the last two years or are just beginning your educational journey at St. Mark’s College, the Summer Institute is an opportunity to build deeper connections with your classmates, instructors, and other members of the St. Mark’s community, both in and out of the classroom, and take part in activities that facilitate meaningful encounter and dialogue.

What living accommodations are available on campus?

While St. Mark’s College does not provide housing for students, there are a variety of short-term accommodation options around the UBC campus. Students seeking short-term accommodations during the Summer Institute can contact the following resources directly to reserve a room:
We encourage you to plan your accommodations early, as space is limited and other conferences and summer programs may be taking place at the same time on the UBC campus.

What if I can’t attend the Summer Institute in person? 

If you are interested in taking a for-credit course at the Summer Institute virtually, please contact [email protected].

Public workshops, continuing education, graduate courses, courses for audit - what’s the difference?

  • A public workshop is open to everyone who wishes to attend, whether or not they are students at St. Mark’s College.
  • Graduate courses (for credit) are open to registered students at St. Mark’s College and involve both in-class lectures, discussions and outside coursework. Credit earned upon successful completion of a course can be applied to a graduate program at St. Mark’s College. Current students can register for graduate courses via My Lion. If you are not yet a student but would like to begin your graduate studies at St. Mark’s College, please review our admissions requirements and application process. Questions? Contact [email protected].
  • Auditing a graduate course is an option for those who are not interested in pursuing a graduate program but who are interested in a particular graduate course. Students who audit a course will not earn graduate credit. They are expected to participate fully in class lectures and discussions but will not be assigned additional assignments outside of class.
  • Continuing education courses are available to anyone with an interest in furthering their learning, whether or not they are students at St. Mark’s College. 

Where can I find the course materials I need? Will I need to purchase course materials?

The textbook list for graduate courses will be available on our website in advance of the Summer 2 term. 

How do I get to the Summer Institute?

The Summer Institute will be held at St. Mark’s College at UBC, located at 5935 Iona Drive. The UBC campus is readily accessible via public transit, and the UBC Bus Loop is just a ten-minute walk from our campus.

For those who wish to drive to the College, please note that there is no public parking at the College. There are various options for paid parking at UBC, including the North Parkade, which is a ten-minute walk from our campus. Limited paid parking is available across the street at the Carey Centre, and parking passes must be paid for at the Carey Centre Reception desk.

What happens if a course I signed up for is cancelled?

Some courses may be cancelled in the event of low registrations. We encourage you to register by mid-June to ensure the course you would like to take has the minimum number of students needed to move forward. If St. Mark's College has to cancel a course, you will be given a full refund.
