Experiential Learning

St. Mark's College offers numerous opportunities for you to gain volunteer and work experience, both on and off campus.

Build your personal profile, beef up your resume, and make new connections.  These opportunities allow you to expand your network and gain real-world, on-the-job experience.

Experiential Learning

Student volunteer and job opportunities are often described as "experiential learning’"opportunities.  Experiential Learning is learning through experience or learning by doing.  Examples include volunteering (local and global), work study, practicums, internships, and employment.

Beneficial for your personal growth and skills development, experiential learning will aid your education, career and resume! Contact the Career Development Centre for more information.

Service Learning

Service Learning is a pedagogy of teaching and learning that enhances in-class instruction with meaningful community-based experiences.  Meaning or finding purpose is the result of developing relationships that are built upon trust; that encourage reciprocal dialogue and understanding about different cultures, different faith traditions, and different life experiences; and that foster partnerships through the spirit of collaboration.

Service Learning programs immerse students in community settings to build meaningful relationships and develop new insights about various cultures and faith traditions.

Contact the Campus Life & Ministry Office for more information.
