St. Mark's College

St. Mark's College is the affiliated Catholic theological college of the University of British Columbia (UBC).

St. Mark's College is a member of the Community of St. Mark's at UBC, which also includes Corpus Christi College and St. Mark's Parish. Together with Corpus Christi College, St. Mark's College is a centre of excellence for Catholic higher education in British Columbia.

St. Mark's College is committed to promoting an authentic Christian humanism, marked by the pursuit of academic excellence and animated by a joy of searching for, discovering and communicating truth in every field of knowledge. The Colleges prepare graduates who continually strive to integrate and synthesize faith and reason, women and men who think rigorously, so as to act rightly and to serve humanity better.

A variety of programs are offered at St. Mark's College, including programs for the formation of Catholic clergy and lay professionals, and continuing education opportunities for adults. These programs are grounded in the Catholic intellectual and moral tradition, including a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Culture for aspiring Catholic teachers; Master’s degrees in Religious Education, Theological Studies, Pastoral Studies and Catholic Educational Leadership; and engaging public lectures and professional development opportunities addressing faith leading to understanding.

Our Continuing Education programs offer professional and faith development to teachers, administrators, healthcare workers, and other professionals. We offer a variety of courses and public lectures for anyone interested in further developing knowledge and faith.

We have also been entrusted by the Archdiocese of Vancouver to provide the academic component of the Permanent Diaconate program.
