
St. Mark’s College at UBC to Confer 2018 Honorary Doctorate to Father Thomas Rosica, CSB

A well-respected biblical scholar, author, speaker, and commentator, Father Rosica is the founding CEO of the Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation and Television Network in Canada, and has served as English language assistant in the Holy See Press Office.

Vancouver, BC - April 20, 2018. St. Mark's College at UBC is pleased to announce that Father Thomas Rosica, CSB - a recognized Scripture Scholar, Executive Producer and Church Spokesperson - will be awarded the institution's highest honour, the Doctor of Sacred Letters (honoris causa).
The degree will be conferred by the Most Reverend J. Michael Miller, CSB, Archbishop of Vancouver and Chancellor of St. Mark's College, at the College's upcoming Convocation, to be held at the College Chapel on Saturday, May 26, 2018 at 1:30 pm.

Father Rosica, native of Rochester, New York, is a Canadian Roman Catholic priest and Basilian Father who has served the Church for many years and in many different capacities. A well-respected biblical scholar, author, speaker, and commentator, Father Rosica is the founding CEO of the Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation and Television Network in Canada, and has served as English language assistant in the Holy See Press Office.
Between 2011 and 2015, Fr. Rosica served as President and Vice-Chancellor of Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas; the Board of Trustees of St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York; and the Collegium of the University of St. Michael's College in Toronto.

Father Rosica has a BA in Italian and French Language and Literature from St. John Fisher College, as well as advanced degrees in Theology and Sacred Scripture from Regis College in the Toronto School of Theology, the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, and the École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem.

"Father Rosica has served the Church at a local, national and international level as a priest in the Congregation of St. Basil, and through his extensive work as scripture scholar and many years of leadership in the field of Catholic higher education and seminary formation," said Dr. Peter Meehan, Principal of St. Mark's College at UBC.

"As a producer and broadcaster, Father Rosica is in constant dialogue with the broader world and plays a vital role in bringing people closer to Christ and the Catholic faith. With his deep love and commitment to the Church, his life and body of work resonates with not only who we are as a College today, but who we aspire to be." 

Among many awards, Father Rosica has received the Papal Award "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" from Pope John Paul II for his leadership of World Youth Day 2002, two Jubilee Medals from Queen Elizabeth for his work with young people, the John Carroll Medal from the John Carroll Society in Washington, DC; Honorary Doctorates from Gannon University and Niagara University, and the Catholic Press Association's Clarion Award as "Broadcaster, Filmmaker and Church Spokesman whose portrayal of the Catholic Church brings the light of the Gospel to millions."

About St. Mark's College at UBC

 St. Mark's College is a member of the Community of St. Mark's at UBC, which comprises St. Mark's College, Corpus Christi College, and St. Mark's Parish. As the affiliated Catholic Theological College of the University of British Columbia (UBC), St. Mark's College offers a variety of academic programs and continuing education opportunities for Catholics and non-Catholics. Together with Corpus Christi College, St. Mark's College is a centre of excellence for undergraduate and graduate Catholic education in British Columbia.
St. Mark's is committed to promoting an authentic Christian humanism, marked by the pursuit of academic excellence and animated by the joy of searching for, discovering, and communicating truth in every field of knowledge. The College prepares graduates who continually strive to integrate and synthesize faith and reason, women and men who think rigorously, so as to act rightly and serve humanity better.
The College offers programs that are grounded in the Catholic intellectual and moral tradition, including a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Culture for aspiring Catholic teachers; Master's degrees in Religious Education, Theological Studies, Pastoral Studies and Catholic Leadership; and engaging public lectures and professional development opportunities addressing faith leading to understanding.


Elizabeth Morse, Communications, St. Mark's College at UBC
[email protected]

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