
A new home for the Pontifex Minimus blog is coming soon



A new home for the blog

Check out Pontifex Minimus on the blog’s new website!


This is the last Pontifex Minimus entry in the current iteration. Pontifex Minimus began its life several years ago now when I served as Distinguished Professor of Catholic Thought at Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut.

Subsequent to the invention that is Pontifex Minimus, President John Petillo asked me to create an ecclesial reform blog modelled on Pontifex Minimus but more a chorus than a solo voice. And that’s how the new Sacred Heart University blog, Go, Rebuild, emerged. Bloggers from the United States, Italy, Ireland, England and Canada continue to provide weekly commentary on the church during the Bergoglio papacy. It is a thriving enterprise.

To avoid any confusion between the two blogs, Pontifex Minimus went into hiatus until my appointment as President and Principal of Corpus Christi and St. Mark’s Colleges, University of British Columbia, when it resurfaced as a weekly presidential blog on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.

I am retiring at the end of this month and so Pontifex Minimus will, accordingly, be moving to a new space.

Those of you who wish to continue to receive these weekly ruminations on the church and the Catholic imagination—free, of course—will have the opportunity to do so. It is simply a matter of moving to my personal website.

Thank you for being such searching, curious, and engaged readers. And a warm welcome to the new President and Principal, Gerry Turcotte, as he assumes his duties in August.


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