Welcome from the Office of the Principal
Aug 9, 2018
Dear Students,
Welcome to a new semester at St. Mark’s College, the Catholic Theological College affiliated with the University of British Columbia! You are part of the Community of St. Mark’s at UBC, which also includes St. Mark’s Parish, served by the Jesuit Fathers, and our undergraduate sister institution, Corpus Christi College.
Catholic higher education brings together people of different backgrounds and faiths to help them to understand their vocation. In this sense, St. Mark’s engages a mission of service. This is both a privilege and a responsibility we do not take lightly.
Working, studying and praying as one, we strive to be, in the words of Pope Francis, “a community of people, animated by the Holy Spirit, who have lived and are living the wonder of the encounter with Jesus Christ and want to share this experience of deep joy, the message of salvation that the Lord gave us .” (Message for World Mission Day, May 19, 2013 )
Best of luck in your studies this semester.
Dr. Peter Meehan
Principal, St. Mark’s College