After Kamloops, The Flood

Jan 10, 2021

As Canada and the Catholic Church face a crisis of conscience over the history of residential schools and their corrosive legacy, various questions arise that must be addressed.

One of them concerns the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and its contribution in a time of painful reflection and moral reparation. Two prophetic figures who represent the best of the CIT can help us navigate this tremulous time of soul-searching: Thomas Merton and John Moriarty.
Date and Time: October 1, 2021, 7:00 pm
Location: St. Mark’s College at UBC
Cost: Free!
Speaker: Dr. Michael W. Higgins
Dr. Michael W. Higgins, President and Vice Chancellor, Corpus Christi College & St. Mark’s College at the University of British Columbia, is the author of numerous books and has been an influential commentator on the Roman Catholic Church on television and in newspapers for decades. He will address the painful history of Canada’s residential schools and the recent revelations that began with the discovery in Kamloops of the unmarked graves of many children.

Dr. Higgins’ lecture engages with the terrible revelations of the mass, unmarked graves of First Nations children in Kamloops and elsewhere in Canada by drawing on the resources of the Catholic intellectual tradition. It is important to note that this lecture is only the first step that the Centre for Christian Engagement will be taking on the journey beside our First Nations brothers and sisters. In future events, we will seek to hear directly from a number of First Nations voices in order to listen, learn, and act. It is our goal that the Centre for Christian Engagement become a source of healing and reconciliation by examining the past truthfully, accompanying those suffering today compassionately, and by acting humbly and wisely as we move forward together.

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Contact Dr. John Martens, Director of the Centre for Christian Engagement
[email protected]