Dr. Katie Gemmell

Katie Gemmell is a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow in the department of history at the University of Victoria. She is secretary/treasurer for the Canadian History of Education Association/Association canadienne d’histoire de l’éducation.

Current Research
  • history of education (curriculum & pedagogy; Catholic education)
  • history of Indigenous-Settler relations
  • history of women religious
  • history education
Select Publications

Penney Clark, K. M. Gemmell, and Mona Gleason. “Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation (Canada).” In Connecting History of Education: Redes globales de communicación y colaboración científicas, edited by José Luis Hernández Huerta, Antonella Cagnolati, Andrés Payà Rico, 223-244. Valencia, ES: Tirant Humanidades, 2022.

K. M. Gemmell. “‘Living a Philosophical Contradiction?’: Progressive Education in the Archdiocese of Vancouver’s Catholic Schools, 1936-1960.” History of Education Quarterly 59, no.3 (August 2019): 351-78.

K. M. Gemmell. Review of Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. CCHA Historical Studies 85 (2019): 119-22.

K. M. Gemmell. Review of No Ordinary School: The Study, 1915-2015 by Colleen Gray. Historical Studies in Education/Review d’histoire de l’éducation 30, no.1 (Spring 2018): 180-82.

Penney Clark and K. M. Gemmell. “‘The school book question is a farce’: Free Textbook Provision in Nova Scotia, 1864-1944.” Acadiensis XLVI, no.2 (Summer/Autumn 2017): 59-87.

K. M. Gemmell. Review of Progressive Education: Revisioning and Reframing Ontario’s Public Schools, 1919-1942 by Theodore Michael Christou. Education Matters: The Journal of Teaching and Learning 4, no.1 (2016): 110-12.

  • PhD (history of education), University of British Columbia, 2021
Select Awards

Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2015-2019)

UBC Four-Year Fellowship (2015-2019)

Outstanding Master’s Thesis Recognition Award, Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (2015)

Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master’s Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2013 – 2014)

Professional Societies
  • Canadian History of Education Association
  • Canadian Catholic Historical Association
  • Canadian Historical Association
  • Canadian Association of Foundations of Education
  • Canadian Society for the Study of Education
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